News Item


The cooler weather did not deter 42 participants and supporters from enjoying another successful bowling arm Gala Day at Longford last Sunday. While threatening rain did curtail the afternoon session, the morning’s play provided intense competition, great camaraderie and lots of laughs.
It was heartening to see 8 new faces join the group which is growing steadily. Welcome and we hope to see you at future events.
A big shout out to Gordon Hurst, Joe Reissig and Jilly Weston for helping to make the day happen and, of course to Helen, Debbie and their helpers for providing the usual Longford hospitality. Thanks also to Geoff Buchanan for his impromptu afternoon coaching session. Well done all.
Thanks also to those who supported the raffle, which raised $205 towards sending the State team to the Bowling Arm National Titles at Devonport in September.
The next event on the bowling arm calendar will be another Gala Day on 2 July 2023, at Kings Meadows Bowling Club.