BN Championships

BN Open Singles 2018-19

Josh Appleyard and Jessica McMullen are Open singles Champions.

Women’s Open Singles 2018-19

In the quarter finals there was some very tight matches played with Jessica McMullen (Inv) defeating Jean Holland (Long). North Launceston Connie Rowbottom overcome Kim Saunders (Inv) to progress through to semi-finals. Maxine Monson (Brid) had a tussle against Marjorie McFarlane from East.

And in the last quarter final Candice Hodgetts (Inv) was able to overcome a fast finishing Sophie Fletcher from Westbury.

The final was contested by Jessica McMullen and Maxine Monson. It was shot for shot throughout the game with Jessica slowly edging her way to the magic number required. The final score in the final was Jessica McMullen 25 -defeating Maxine Monson 21.

Men’s Open Singles.

When the field was narrowed down to the Quarter final stage there was some big named players still left in the running to take the title this year.

Robert McMullen and Damien Lewis from East made it through to the semi finals along with the two young guns of the game – Josh Walker Davis and Josh Appleyard. Both semi-final matches were a pleasure to watch with some excellent draw and weighted shots played by the players. With the Trevallyn duo of Josh Walker Davis and Josh Appleyard left to fight it out to see who would take the title this year. Both players played an exceptional game with Josh Appleyard winning his first Bowls North Open Men’s Singles Championship.